We really didn't want more pets, but honestly, I think letting Brennan get a parakeet was one of the best parenting decision we've ever made. Letting him get a 2nd one was another great decision. The third one... well she's kind of a jerk, but we love her anyway. And the 4th one helped them all simmer down a little. 4 is where we draw the line! hahaha
This kid literally cries with happiness when he holds his birds. He tells me all about how each one makes him feel different energies, and how they comfort him. He cried when we were away for the weekend because he missed Bubbles. Then he got Kiwi to keep her company, and she's a completely different personality.
Coco is very anti-social, but he always tells me he never once thought of giving her back. Even though she bites really hard and is afraid of people "she bonded to the other birds and she'd be too sad... it's not her fault she got traumatized by being caught in a net". She has mellowed out a ton since we got the new cage and a 4th bird.
Cyan (he says it's pronounced Ki-Ann) walked up to him in the pet store so she technically adopted Brennan. He has learned a lot from being a budgie owner over this past year. He also builds interesting play areas for them.
Brennan is thoroughly enjoying the differences between his budgies, how they feel, how they make him feel, how they interact with each other. He is being their parent, which carries with it the added bonus of a sneak preview into the type of Dad he's going to be (should he choose that path). I'd also like to think some of what he does is emulating his own parents. If that's the case we rock at this!